Hey there folks! Just did some web searching and have found that the best option for us is to travel TO HAWAII as a family on December 30th (arriving earlier in the day on December 30th). And then, for Dada and Rio to stay longer after Marina returns home for work. Here’s what the two itineraries would look like:
1: Marina, Jono, Rio depart together to Honolulu
Marina returns alone to Osaka.

2. Jono, Rio return to Osaka at a later date.

Looks like these dates are a lot better for those coming from Alaska as well. I checked Alaska Air and I can see why Vinny liked the 28th for a departure. I think the one-way was $358 or so.
Okay ….. I know there’s a bit more planning to work out, but as far as I can tell this is totally feasible!